Writing code — Time complexityIf someone asks me, which sorting algorithm is efficient with respect to time, I would answer — in general ‘Quick sort’. How do I know…Feb 16, 2023Feb 16, 2023
C# — Is collection empty — Count vs Any?Problem statement — Before operating on any collection, we check if the collection is null or empty. Null check is usually done by…Dec 21, 20207Dec 21, 20207
C# 7.0 Features — Continued.This is 2nd part of ‘C# 7.0 Features — let’s explore’ article. You have missed the previous one, I would recommend reading that one first.May 25, 2020May 25, 2020
Published in.Net ProgrammingC# 7.0 Features — Let’s explore?Although C# 7.0 was released in March 2017, there were many features of this version I was unaware of. After amazing experience with C#…May 12, 2020May 12, 2020
Published inThe StartupRequirements Engineering — BDD Example MappingIn one of our retrospective meeting two months back, we were looking at RQ statistics of our freshly delivered stories. There was a chart…Apr 10, 2020Apr 10, 2020
Published inThe StartupC# IDisposable and Using keywordSince there are hundreds of articles available over the internet, I need to mention the reason of writing something on same topic. We know…Feb 27, 20201Feb 27, 20201
We use IPSoVI technique. Why?A year before, we used to follow usual Agile process of backlog refinement and planning. The PO used to refine the story with team, team…Jan 29, 2020Jan 29, 2020
Mocking for unit tests — Understand the conceptUnit testing is testing the behavior of single unit (e.g. class). It is important to detect class level issues early as well as serve as…Dec 15, 2019Dec 15, 2019
Published inThe StartupC# interview prep 1 — Delegates vs EventsThere are hundreds of articles online on this topic. They why am I writing one? The motive behind writing on this topic is the answers I…Dec 1, 20195Dec 1, 20195
Design patterns article 13 — Proxy design patternWhen we see audition episodes of music/dance reality shows, they first show entry of thousands of participants and then compilation of…Nov 26, 2019Nov 26, 2019
Design patterns article 12 — Adapter design patternWhen we wanted to plug in an electronic device have three pin plug, we looked for a switch with three pins. However, the place we were at…Sep 15, 2019Sep 15, 2019
Design patterns article 11 — Summary of Creation design patternsDesign patterns are categorized in three typesSep 14, 2019Sep 14, 2019
Design patterns article 10 — Prototype design patternThere was a time when at the project launch, builders used to provide a prospectus with room measurements to visiting customers in their…Sep 13, 2019Sep 13, 2019
Design patters article 9 — Factory design patternPersonally, factory design pattern is my favorite one because when you want to refactor the code this one comes handy and can be easily…Sep 12, 2019Sep 12, 2019
Published inThe StartupDesign patterns Article 8 — Builder design patternSharma family always wanted to live in their dream home. So when they bought land, they decided to build the house for the family of 4…Jul 31, 2019Jul 31, 2019
Design patterns Article 7 — Singleton design patternGoF(Gang of Four) design patterns solve typical commonly occuring problems. The most common principle — Singleton.Jul 29, 20195Jul 29, 20195
Design Patterns Article 6— SOLID Principles part 5Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) is one of the widely followed principle that enables abstraction in your design.Jul 29, 2019Jul 29, 2019
Design Patterns Article 5— SOLID Principles part 4Interface Segregation Principle(ISP) is fourth principle of SOLID family. It states the guideline that — One must not have to implement…Jul 28, 2019Jul 28, 2019
Design Patterns Article 4— SOLID Principles part 3The third principle of the SOLID group is Leskov’s Substitution Principle (LSP). It states that — if B is subclass A and C uses A, then if…Jul 28, 2019Jul 28, 2019
Design Patterns Article 3 — SOLID Principles part 2The second principle of SOLID family is Open Close Principle(OCP). It is short for ‘Open to extension , close to modification’. It meansJul 28, 2019Jul 28, 2019